About this site

This site is owned by Australian artist Robert Bosler with technical assistance  from renowned online course creators Thinkific, which is based in Canada. The site operates with trusted Thinkific technologies.

Engaging with new technologies, the site has evolved from the unusual success during the days of the DVD, when the Fine Art Techniques DVD exported into 38 countries. 

In order to help provide true artistic assistance, much effort has gone into producing courses here of the highest quality, giving people the opportunity to gain the benefits of living the creative life with minimal financial cost.

The site also has a vision to properly inform the public of oil painting techniques.  At our fingertips today are hundreds upon thousands of art courses, yet all but a tiny sprinkling of them provide poor knowledge of techniques, and though with the best of intentions, these can be harmful to a person's creative work in oil. 

By teaching poor technique, or basic technique, or confusing "procedure" with "technique" as so many do, or just by teaching craft-work skills passing these off as the actual techniques of oil painting has resulted in people learning these and then going on to teach them themselves.

We live in an environment then that is bulging with misconceptions and misunderstandings, and often, frankly, ignorance. None of this helps a seeker of the creative life to discover their creative ability.

Just because paint goes on canvas doesn't mean that art has been created. Most often, as a result of poor technical knowledge, that work is craft, not art. Yet such is the lack of true knowledge that anyone these days can put paint on canvas, using the same technique as a person would use to paint a chair leg, then produce a course or lesson under the title of "art".

For minimal cost to enrol, the courses on this site represent a big attempt to sweep away those misconceptions and instead get straight into the hard-won professional expertise of what actually are oil painting techniques.

It makes a world of difference.